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STRATEGIQA's Strategies

TRAINING for Strategy > Quality Management System

Quality Management System

STRATEGIQA helps organizations in defining plans, policies and procedures for project execution by implementing QMS. It enables the organizations to identify and improve the various business processes, which ultimately lead to improved business performance and reach customer expectations in the most cost effective and efficient manner.

A flawlessly designed, defect-free solution that does not meet the clients’ needs will not be considered of high quality. The most common factors for an unsuccessful project that can not meet clients’ requirements are poor planning; poor management practices and project managers not being able to manage their work plans. Primary problem caused by poor quality is rework during a project. Rework means that we have to do the same work twice because the original effort was not satisfactory. If errors are caught within the development process, there is a cost associated with rework.

If a solution is of poor quality, the client will not be happy. In many cases, projects that do not manage quality well end up with a lot of rework, which in turn leads them to miss their deadlines and exceed their budget. This can cause the business value to be delayed, or it may change the value proposition for the entire project. No one likes to work for an organization that has poor processes or produces poor quality solutions. No one likes to work on projects that are missing their deadlines because of rework. People tend to find excitement and challenge in building a solution. However, the teams’ motivation level will go down when it has to continually repair and rework.

STRATEGIQA has vast experience in defining, implementing and auditing management systems. For developing highly effective QMS we considers three major components.

First one is the criterion for establishing completeness and correctness of deliverables. This is to ensure that the project team and client will have a common expectation of what is required for each deliverable to be accepted. We Asses methods for documenting and designing templates, set timelines for the various tasks, schedule individual departments and positions for development of procedures and allocate resources required for the development, leading to implementation and on-going management of the system.

The second one is quality control process, referring to the ongoing activities that the project team will perform to ensure that the deliverables are of high quality. This can include deliverable walk-through, testing of subcomponents, completeness checklists, carrying out initial audits to ensure documentation matched processes and so on.

The third one is the quality assurance process, designed to ensure that the overall processes used to create the deliverables are of high quality. We asses the effectiveness of the QMS and implement any changes that might be required. These types of activities include third-party audits and deliverable approvals. The project manager and team need to understand that the first goal of quality management is to produce deliverables with no errors. The second goal is to catch any errors as early as possible. If client can build the deliverables with as few errors as possible, and then client can find those remaining errors as early as possible, finally overall project will have fewer problems. However, if we have a good quality process in place, testing should only confirm that everything is working correctly. Then client can work quickly toward final approvals, implementation, and a smooth production cycle.

Quality management is an ongoing process that the team needs to focus on throughout the project. The purpose of quality management is to understand the expectations of the client in terms of quality, and then put a proactive plan and process in place to meet or exceed those expectations. The design and implementation of a quality management system will vary depending on the type, size and products of the organization. Most companies’ objective is to increase profitability.

STRATEGIQA can assist organizations in managing costs and risks, increasing effectiveness and productivity, identifying improvement opportunities, improve customer loyalty, repeat business and market share, effective and efficient use of resources, cost reductions, participation and motivation of human resources, industry reputation, Quality control process, Quality assurance process and enhancing customer satisfaction. STRATEGIQA helps clients maintain quality of product, timely delivery, better service and speedy complaint resolution by using the international standards like ISO9000.

We set and achieve predetermined improvement goals as a part of our deliverables during the process implementation.

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